
Showing posts from January, 2023

How to actually get stuff done when you're neurodivergent

Calendars, to-do lists, organised bullet journals with cute headlines... We've all fallen for them. In fact, there are whole sections of TikTok, YouTube and Pinterest dedicated to "studyspo" - the art of showing off fancy, colour-coded stationery designed to make work or study look glamorous and fun.  I should know, because I feel like I've tried every productivity tip, every study method, every pastel gel pen set you can think of but the result is always the same. I get at most a couple of weeks of pure bliss, getting everything done that I want to and then the belligerent dopamine-hungry goblin in my brain throws its toys out of the pram and calls it quits. Suddenly all of my routines are gone, Pomodoro method is out of the window and I feel once again frustrated at myself for not being able to do what everyone else does.  When I realised I was neurodivergent, this meant unpacking everything that I knew about productivity. First, I felt a huge amount of relief that